AWES PRT General Aptitude Exam

9. Direction: Choose the antonym for the word underlined in the sentence. A serene mind can never be the pioneer of a great revolution.
a. earnest b. jocular c. nervous d. agitated
10. Direction: Choose the antonym for the word underlined in the sentence. She is beautiful as well as frivolous.
a. insane b. serious c. unrelated d. indecent
11. Direction: Choose the synonym for the following word underlined in the sentence. The community is agog with speculation about the fate of the money collected.
a. depressed b. excited c. worried d. annoyed
12. Direction: Choose the synonym for the following word underlined in the sentence. He has the propensity for getting into debt.
a. natural tendency b. aptitude c. characteristic d. quality
13. Direction: The below expression is followed by four words. Select the word you think best conveys the idea.
A remedy for all diseases:- a. Medicia b. Panacea c. Remedia d. Cure
14. Direction: The below expression is followed by four words. Select the word you think best conveys the idea.
A disease which ends in death? a. Deadly b. Fatal c. Cancer d. Life suck
15. Direction: Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the underlined idiom/phrase in the sentence. He is always picking holes in every project.
a. suggesting improvements in b. finding faults with c. asking irrelevant questions on d. giving advice on
16. Direction: Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the underlined idiom/phrase in the sentence. It is a matter of gratification that he has turned a new leaf.
a. started using his intelligence b. accepted the new job offered c. proved to be a worthy person d. begun a different mode of life
17. Direction: Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given choices. History records seventeen incursions of Sultan Mahmood ____________ India.
a. on b. against c. upon d. into
18. Direction: Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the given choices. Your statement is replete __________ contradictions.
a. with b. in c. of d. from
19. Direction: A sentence has been broken into four parts. Choose the part that has an error. The supper party given by him at the evening of the 30th will long be remembered in catering circles.
a. in catering circles. b. at the evening of the 30th c. will long be remembered d. The supper party given by him
20. Direction: A sentence has been broken into four parts. Choose the part that has an error. One way route is a mean of reducing traffic in congested areas of Delhi.
a. in congested areas of Delhi. b. a mean of c. One way route is d. reducing traffic

21. The following question is based on the information given in the form of statements. Read them carefully and find the correct answer.
(i) Madhu and Shivani are good in Dramatics and Computer Science. (ii) Asha and Madhu are good in Computer Science (iii) Asha, Pratibha and Namita are good in Physics and Mathematics (iv) Pratibha and Shivani are good in History and Dramatics Who is good in Physics, History, Mathematics and not in Computer Science?
a. Asha b. Madhu c. Pratibha d. Namita
22. If VICTORY is coded as YLFWRUB, how can SUCCESS be coded?
23. A watch reads 4.30 p.m. If the minute hand points towards East, in which direction will the hour-hand indicate?
a. West b. East c. North - East d. North
24. 'E' is the father of 'F' but 'F' is not his son. 'G' is the granddaughter of 'F'. 'H' is the spouse of 'E". 'I' is the brother of 'F'. 'J' is the son of 'I'. 'K' is the spouse of 'I'. 'L' is the father of 'K'. Who is the grandson of 'L'?
a. G b. J c. E d. I
25. How many 7s are there in the following sequence of numbers which are preceded by 3 and immediately followed by 9?
547983276543798563798 a. Four b. Three c. Two d. One
26. Find the word which cannot be made from the letters of the given word? DISTRIBUTION
a. Dust b. Tribute c. Riot d. Disturb
27. If P denotes ÷, Q denotes ×, R denotes + and S denotes - , then 18 Q 12 P 4 R 5 S 6 = ?
a. 57 b. 53 c. 55 d. 67
28. A vendor bought 6 toffees for a rupee. How many for a rupee should he sell to make a profit of 20%?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 4 d. 8
29. If A:B=1:2, B:C=5:9 and C:D=2:5. Find the ratio between A&D.
a. 3:2 b. 1:8 c. 1:9 d. 1:5
30. Three years ago Rani was 8 years younger than Vijay. What is the difference between their ages today?
a. 8 years b. 5 years c. 6 years d. 3 years
31. If reason is encoded as 5 and believed is encoded as 7 then government would be encoded as:-
a. 9 b. 8 c. 10 d. 6
32. Find the odd man out 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 52.
a. 26 b. 17 c. 52 d. 37
33. Isohaline is an imaginary line joining the places having equal:-
a. Radiation b. Sunshine c. Insulation d. Salinity
34. Which of the following was added in the year 2012 in the list of world heritage sites of the UNESCO?
a. Meenakshi Temple b. Western Ghats c. Ajanta Caves d. Agra Fort
35. In which city has the first women post office in the country been established in March 13?
a. New Delhi b. Chennai c. Mumbai d. Kolkata
36. Kovvada nuclear plant is being set up in:-
a. Andhra Pradesh b. Chattisgarh c. Karnataka d. Chennai
37. The 2013 Wimbledon title was won by:-
a. Rafael Nadal b. Mike Bryan c. Novak Djokivic d. Andy Murray
38. What is the name of the Indian author recently executed in Afghanistan?
a. Ashok Banker b. Nanjil Nandan c. Sushmita Banarjee d. Manoj Das
39. The name of the current Governor of RBI is:-
a. Dr. Bimal Jalan b. D Subbarao c. Raghuram Rajan d. Dr .Y V Redddy
40. The 2013 Nobel prize for Physics was shared by Peter Higgs and:-
a. Martin Karplus b. Dr. Thomas C. Sudhof c. Arieh Warshel d. Francois Englert

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